Week 5 Preview: Lincoln (2-2) at Grant (2-2)

Friday, October 3rd, 4:00 PM
Grant Bowl, Grant High School
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Throughout the last few years, there has been something missing in the PIL. For the past four years the majority of the league’s schools competed on the 5A level, meaning the annual game between Grant and Lincoln seemed to have less excitement surrounding it.

Boy has that changed. Everyone’s back in 6A, and most have had this game circled as the PIL game of the year since the schedule came out this summer. PIL title on the line, possibly home field advantage in the playoffs, and most importantly bragging rights over your cross-town rivals, how much more of a reason do you need to be excited?

The Generals come into this game seemingly getting closer to playoff form each day. After blasting Wilson last week, there is a buzz going around the school as this game grows closer.

Yet another point adding intrigue to this Friday’s game is the fact that Lincoln will be visiting the Grant Bowl for the first time ever. To say this is a huge chance for the Generals would be quite the understatement.

Lincoln comes into the game off of a 61-6 beatdown of Franklin and seems to have their offense firing on all cylinders. Senior running back John Duffy is the state’s leading rusher and has the ability to score anytime he touches the ball.

This is a game where the Generals have a chance to stamp their mark on the league with a signature win. Look for this team to come out of the gates ready to go.

Grant Keys to Victory:

Play Together:
There is a quote that I hold close to my heart as it is something I’ve found to be quite accurate. The quote says “it’s amazing how much can be accomplished when nobody cares who gets the credit.” Grant must play this way if they hope to win this week. The wing-t is a complicated offense to defend, and often not a glorious game to pad your stats as it is all about doing YOUR assignment every single play. If Grant can solely focus on winning the game as a team, their chances will be much better than if their concerns lay elsewhere.

Control the Line of Scrimmage:

We’ve said this the last two weeks, but it applies every week. Controlling the line of scrimmage will be key as this is where the game will be won. Grant’s ability to run the ball has been impressive, but has only been effective as a result of the improvement of the offensive line. If this group continues to improve then look for the Generals to be one of the more explosive offenses in the state.

Play with No Regrets:
As the old saying goes “you only get one chance at a first impression.” This is the first time Lincoln travels to the Bowl, and that should be something on this group of seniors’ minds. They have the opportunity to make a statement in heir final go-around in the Crosstown Clash.

Play Disciplined:
Last week’s 21 penalties were an absolute disaster. This group must get better at the fundamentals of the game and play within the rules if they expect to play late into the playoffs. This group is too smart and talented to be committing the amount of penalties they have this year.

Love to Hate:
We all have that little tick that can set us off, that little voice in our ear that can really knows how to push our buttons. For Grant, that voice is Lincoln, and the Generals need to learn to hate that voice with a passion. These games are rivalry games for a reason. Learning to let something you hate motivate you can be healthy at times, and this Friday at 4:00 PM we will see just how motivated and together this team has really become.

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